Sunday, October 26, 2008

Enter Match 2 Scores (by player & opponent's total)


Hoop Social said...

Are we doing mon-thurs. and fri through Sunday... What it is gentleman!?

Hoop Social said...

i thought that we were going to go back to the original system.

mon-wed, thur-sun


Hoop Social said...

Assuming P4 went with its top six draftees...

E Team defeats the P4s 217-201

E Team has been going with its top six (LBJ, KG, Iverson, Yao, Kidd, GWall) and will continue to do so until further notice.)

E Team

Hoop Social said...

And yes, Mike, it's Monday through Thursday and Friday through Sunday.

E Team

Hoop Social said...

And yes, Mike, it's Monday through Thursday and Friday through Sunday.

E Team

Hoop Social said...

Oops. I did that Stacy Ruff thing.

Hoop Social said...

Ticket 216 vs PC

Hoop Social said...

Swat 178 - Mr.M 183