Monday, October 25, 2010

Please Enter Your Match 1 Score


Hoop Social said...

Kontrol's score = average of six teams' scores vs Kontrol's opponent (JRB), that is the one human picked team not factored in Kontrol's score

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Nice job getting the blog set up, Tom. Looks like we're ready to rock.

Bring it.

Hoop Social said...

So I think what was said about designating someone as your sub if you get a DNP is the way to do it. If you don't update that Match, you don't get a sub, period. Therefore update each match always.... Next, the score for the DNP should be 1/2 of your lowest scoring players score that was live in said match. Super sub is okay because that's why we need a sub, we don't know who's DNP'ing, and super sub is only as super as 1/2 your worst scoring players score that match. Whatdoyathink, let's agree and be done with it!!

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says
Hypothetically speaking about solving DNP blues,
Assuming a DNP's replaced by a guy on the roster who plays, his score should count as a whole score.
A sixth man who DNP's could be replaced by the best unused player on a roster. The active player in a lineup who plays the same position as the sixth man who DNP's may be listed in the lineup as the sixth man. It doesn't matter who is titled sixth man.
Unless specified otherwise before a match, the order of the draft would determine who's the highest pick used at the missing player's position.
Speaking of replacements, a nearly forty year old photo of E-Team with five others seated around a table was found in a West Linn High Yearbook yesterday at West Linn library. I assume it was a picture of those six present in both Sunday's draft and one of the earliest of our fantasy drafts. I'm wondering which one of us was the chick in the '74 photo.
Also, E-Team's sister Valerie's high school senior picture impelled me to watch lesbian porn when I returned home from West Linn.

Hoop Social said...

Why does it have to be 1/2 of your lowest score?-that's too complicated-Invaders say streamline 7th man-either full points replacing a DNP or let's stay w/6-there should be no looking down a roster for sleeper scorers not designated as active.How was that Lesbo porn Tom?is West Linn good town for that sort of thing?I used to play basketball w/ a guy who went to a small college around there-Linfield??

nitecaps said...

Mark, I'm struggling to understand how a man of your obvious intelligence finds dividing a score by 2 complicated?
Reasons the rule works
1. you don't benefit from a DNP by using a better players score
2. you only qualify for use of your reserve if you post your lineup. which in turn helps the commissioner by not forcing him to go to prior postings to find lineups.
3. your are still penalized for the dnp but not by automatically giving you a loss

This suggestion is only as complicated is you want to make it.

nitecaps said...

...and while I have Ticket on the ropes...

Hey Tom,
We are all aware that Eric is your personal deity. I mean I find him to be a sort of divine being myself. But can we leave out the memoirs of his life that you are collecting in your journal? I know it can be hard for you to stay on track but...if you find yourself starting to give us a play by play account of E jr's birthday, know that you've gone to far (again).
So in revue. Lesbian porn, at the line. Second hand account of the Bartels family holiday in the Hamptons, over the line.

Hoop Social said...

Invaders respond to Dave-i'm suggesting it doesn't need to be half scores for DNP-obviously I can do the math.I kvetched on purpose to make the point(didn't you see my free Luol joke?)-but why bother w/a half measure? why does there have to be any penalty for a DNP-if you've got a rule allowing a 7th guy due to DNP why would he get any less points??-I'll abide by any rules you guys have agreed to but I see no logic in the 1/2 score

Hoop Social said...

Also Dave-Invaders were referencing Eteam formula of making the 7th guys score some calculation of 1/2 lowest starter as well as Tom allusion to running down the roster looking for replacement scores-I think all of this is not needed-just have a wild card 7th for DNP stated each match that counts fully.your formula IS less complicated than Tom's and Eric's but I just fail to see the need to penalize a DNP in any way if you go w/7th guy who's designated before the match...

Hoop Social said...

E Team says...

I think Mark's right about the half-score. And the Seventh Man thing is not something we've discussed fully.

A DNP is a DNP. It affects everyone equally. I say we keep things simple and leave them the way they've been. Everything else we've proposed seems kinda half-baked.

That's my vote.

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says

So all that so Mark & Dave lineup a seventh man instead of some big white stiff in their "entered" lineup can be counted on for a DNP and therefore a sub st another preferred position. Eric silences you shmucks.

Now about the lesbos, when I took Spanish from Ms. Boyd, she assigned a story where a character rebels against the author and refuses to play the part in the script. Now that Ticket appears like a champ with reigning fantasy champ D. Williams in his lineup, the other D. Williams trashes the user of D. Williams Eric objects to this spelling of. That brings me back to Ms. Boyd, who was flat as a board in a prarie dress and a butch haircut. She wasn't caste-able for lesbo porn.

Hoop Social said...

here are the scores for match 1 Ticket 181-Swat 180 Ticket/(Scola-39/Bosh-20/Joe Johnson-34/Wade-26/Deron Williams-26 and Brooks-36)Swat/(A.Jefferson-16/Love-23/Durant 43/Curry-40/Rondo-28/Bargnani-30)

Hoop Social said...

E Team-205-Nitecaps-193-E-Teamers ride unreal performance of Monta Ellis to victory E/(Lee-39/LaMarcus-23/LeBron-41/Ellis-53/S.Jackson-22 and Billups-27)Nitecaps(Amare-33/Zebo-6/Roy-36/Kev.Martin-32/Westbrook-47/Rose-39)

Hoop Social said...

partial scores-JRB-174-Kontrol?(waiting on Invaders Dwight Howard...JRB(Duncan-45/Josh Smith-26/Melo-34/Kobe-40/David West-29/Tyreke-DNP-suspended)P4-207-Invaders-153+Howard score from tomorrow night-P4(Dirk-42/Iggy-24/G.Wallace-31/Paul-37/Brook Lopez-37/Kidd-37)Invaders(Howard?/Gasol-44/Granger-34/Nash-37/Mayo-11/Green-27)If you see any errors let me know...

Hoop Social said...

Kidd should read 36 for a total of 207 for P4

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Confirming E Team's 205-193 win over the defending champion Nitecaps.

Like the 18 for 24 from the field from Monta, but the walking DNP from ZBo was the difference. You deserved better, X.

Hoop Social said...

P4 with 207.


CP3 - 1
Dirk - 4
G. Wallace - 3,4
B. Lopez - 5
Iggy - 2,3
Kidd - 1
Pierce - 2,3
Griffin - 4
Butler - 3,4
Nene - 4,5
A. Randolph - 4,5
Parker - 1
Udrih - 1,2
Holliday - 1

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says

So what does Ticket trashing Nitecaps do with his hypothetical DNP solution when his model for workplace partnership Rand(y)olph, ahem, punches out early with no replacement as opposed to Ty Evans not playing at all, therefore begetting a replacement?

You know for all the hot air that's been passed around regarding improving this league's rules, we seem to have only made half the powers pivots and some niche guys fit in moren than one position.

nitecaps said...

Confirm E's report.
Nice win. But I am positioning myself nicely for the first supp.

Hoop Social said...

Howard's 38 leave my Invaders short in 207-193 loss to P4-Kontrol's 193(192.9)-174 win over JRBs is a bad start for human picked teams vs.the avg of all players...High match toal is P4's 207

Hoop Social said...

I confirm Match 1 score to Tom

Hoop Social said...

That would be Swat Team confirms 181-180 loss to Ticket for Match 1