Monday, February 18, 2008

Enter Match 31 Scores


Hoop Social said...

When does the match start? Are we going tonight (Tues-Thurs), and Fri-Sun?

Hoop Social said...


Hoop Social said...

Down just a point,spoiler Big Panty has the upper hand in a three on three vs JRB.
M.Blount,Al.Thornton,V.Carter+JRB 98-97 Panty+wade,maggot,sam c.

Swat's about ready to tie JRB for third place.
Nocioni,Paul+Swat 127-71 Hammer+terry,Gordon,Bosh

Maybe the case for P4, despite being short-handed.Then again maybe not.
dirk+M&M 139-146 P4+West

If Kidd plays tomorrow, DBS has a hope to move a game behind President's Week playoff qualifiers.
DIAW,Kidd,Marion DBS 109-43 Bunglers+ 4 men

E-Team has more of a hope to do that, albeit practically by default.
e team 148-67 Chokes+T. Sefalosha,R. Jefferson,Bogut

Ticket never met anyone with five teen aimers like And One, if Shaq plays. J How,Amare+Ticket 140-85 And 1+ Shaq

M.Blount,Al.Thornton,V.Carter+JRB 98-97 Panty+wade,maggot,sam c.
T.Duncan 33
Dre.Miller 28
Al.Jefferson 37

roy 25
zebo 38
yao 34
sam c.

J How,Amare+Ticket 140-85 And 1+ Shaq
AI 44
Crawford 29
Martin 32
J How
Odom 35

And 1
Billups 16
Rip Ham 15
Paul P 37
KG 14
Okafor 13

dirk+M&M 139-146 P4+West
baron 24
j rich 22
josh smith 26
camby 39
brad miller 28

Ray A. 29
D wild West
Sam Dam 17
LeBron 52
DeRon 48
KevRant DNP

e team 148-67 Chokes+T. Sefalosha,R. Jefferson,Bogut
DHow 23
Iggy 25
TMac 30
Monta 24
Conley 23

B. Udrih 16
T. Sefalosha
J. Johnson 23
R. Jefferson
A. Harrington 28

DIAW,Kidd,Marion DBS 109-43 Bunglers+ 4 men
Ilgauskas,Zydrunas 28
Gay,Rudy 37
Melo 44

Gasol,Pau 33
Miller,Mike 10

Nocioni,Paul+Swat 127-71 Hammer+terry,Gordon,Bosh
Bryant 36
Lewis 30
Jami 37
Rasheed 24

Jackson,Stephen 13
Ginobili,Manu 26
Boozer,Carlos 32

nitecaps said...

Not so fast my friend
Choke 152
E's 146

Hoop Social said...

Even though P4's up seven and his West helps N.O. down the Mavs, M&M's Dirk upends the Germans.

DBS' win over Bungler's imminent, so look for DBS to tie P4 for 5th place.

The past two champs meet for lost glory in the WNBA & NIT divisions. E-Team's five guys worth 23-25 fps each accounts for Dollar Store Dx a discount win.

Swat will see Thur. if Panty's Wade has enough to overcome JRB's Blount in order for Swat to tie JRB for third.

Ticket barely snagged Match High from Mr. 200 Swat.

M&M 180-174 P4
Ticket 211-124
Swat 203-150 Hammer
Choke 152-148 E's (2 more on yahoo)
Matrix+DBS 155-173 Bungler
JRB & Panty finish THU.

STANDINGS: (*-still pending)
(25-6,6,146 pts) Ticket

(22-9,5,975 pts) M&M

(17-13*,5,290* pts) Just Ryno Baby

(17-14,5,798 pts) Swat

(16-15,5,519 pts) P4

(15-16,5,791 pts) E Team

(15-15*, 5,329* pts) DBS

(14-17,5,256 pts) Hammer

(13-17-1,5,303 pts) And One

(12-16-2*.5,348* pts) Panty

(10-19-1*,5,347 pts) Bunglers

(6-25,5,209 pts) Artichokes

Match Hi Season:
M&M 8.5
Ticket 6.5
Swat 5
E-Team 3
P4 3
And One 2
Panty 1

Hoop Social said...

Yippee! DHow goes for his second 50+ in the last three games! Fantastic!

Too bad he gave me a fucking 23 in between.

Or how 'bout this number? DHow, Iguodala, TMac, Conley - 17 for 55 from the field That's 30 percent.

I love this game.

Hoop Social said...

The ground's sinking in Miami where JRB's 169-151 ad over Panty is subject to the hurricane force of BP's Wade vs the post to the backboard (rebound-wise) Blount.

Salivating for JRB's playoff position are Swat, the 200 machine, and the Germans, driving with bogus Bungler approved pivot Warrick.

Hoop Social said...


Swat 203 > Hammer 160

Paul 56, Bryant 36 (missed 53 last night vs. PHX), Lewis 30, Jamison 37, Rasheed 24, Nocioni 20

Sjax 13, terry 19, Gnob 26, BENGO 26, Booze 32, Bosh 52

looks to be an exciting 9 matches yet to go, shout out to P4 representing with The Swat Team at Tryon Creek Grill last night, yeeehaaa.

Hoop Social said...

Sorry, I concur Hammer had 150


Hoop Social said...

Panty's tidal Wade too much for JRB-lount, so the loser's tied by Swat. DBS gains on the Germans, both a game behind JRB and Swat.

Hoop Social said...

M&M 180-174 P4
Ticket 211-124
Swat 203-160 Hammer
Choke 152-148 E's (2 more on yahoo)
DBS 186-173 Bungler
Panty 199-188 JRB

(25-6,6,146 pts) Ticket

(22-9,5,975 pts) M&M

(17-14,5,478 pts) Just Ryno Baby

(17-14,5,798 pts) Swat

(16-15,5,519 pts) P4

(16-15, 5,515 pts) DBS

(15-16,5,791 pts) E Team

(14-17,5,266 pts) Hammer

(13-17-1,5,303 pts) And One

(13-16-2.5,547 pts) Panty

(10-20-1,5,520 pts) Bunglers

(6-25,5,209 pts) Artichokes

Match Hi Season:
M&M 8.5
Ticket 6.5
Swat 5
E-Team 3
P4 3
And One 2
Panty 1

Hoop Social said...

Correction: Artest in, Maggette out, so Panty beats JRB 192-188, not 199-188.

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says
This is a fan!
(from Denver Post Sunday)
All I have to say is I'm utterly disgusted to be a Nuggets fan. Up 23 on basically on the Albuquerque Thunderbirds with Michael Redd and we lose the game, are you f*ckin' kidding me. Ron Artest would've played last night and we would have won by 30 but this uninspired, unprofessional group of over paid gangsters is just what the NBA's all about, not caring about winning just caring about their paychecks. That's obviously why our team is so terrible on defense, no one cares anymore especially now that we didn't get Artest cuz the fat pig vetoed it. George either needs to retire and head back to ESPN, get fired, or have a heart attack and do not just the NBA a favor but the world as well. All this guy has ever done is ruin franchises and he continues to do it with us, we were one of the up and coming teams just a few years ago and for us to be like this regardless if our record is good or not this team is a typical Karl team and I'm sick to death of this team, they need a new identity bad. GK sux so bad I'd rather have Joe Wolf come up from the 14ers and coach us. The one thing that sux is that when we got A.I. we had to lose Andre Miller cuz that was the real heart of this team he ran this team brillianty and now that we don't have a real point anymore we're hurting. AC was good at first but has turned into the mediocre player he's always been and shows why he's never been a starter the majority of his career, cuz he's not. Even if Chucky and Nene come back it's gonna be to late, the way we've played the last two games the Nuggets gave the season up after George f*cked us at the trade deadline. I honestly don't blame the players if they give the rest of the season up just to get this fat waste of life out the orginization for good cuz nothing good will happen to this franchise as long as Karl is here. Instead of being a motivator for these young guys all this fat b*tch does is dog them publically like when JR single handedly brought us back GK's says "I'm glad J.R. had a great game, but his shot selections in the last five minutes were fantasyland," "He made some, but you're not going to win games doing that. It got kind of crazy there." Yeah the kid brought us back from down 23 and gave us a chance at it and all he can do is talk sh*t, I hate that fat pig so much. LK (Kleiza) sux so much I hope he blows his knee out or something then it'll show Stan he has to hire a real GM and not one of his buddies the front office is a joke. This franchise is a joke and we had every chance to make us better and didn't so if we don't make the Playoffs it's what we deserve, to be the laughing stock of the NBA like we were for most of the 90's and until we got Melo. Well Denver get ready for those days again cuz that's where this franchise is headed. Maybe if we change our logo and gear again we'll play better cuz it seems like every time we change the to new stuff the Nugs have like a four year span of being in the NBA and then go back to being an ABA team. Change should've been made and still needs to bad starting with axing the fat slob.