Invaders lineup for match 5 w/the Teutonic twosome's undefeated P4 team is-your naturalized Olympic team member-Kaman-C-West-PF-Granger-SF-Williams-PG-Gordon-SG-Arenas-6th
Uh, like Tom said, please post your scores after each match, people. Preferably with your opponent's score alongside it. We trust everyone's playing along at home; that's the whole point, right? The Knish Kommish is doing a nice job of posting the schedule and lineups. All anyone else is being asked to do is report their damn score.
Guys, while I understand that most modern American forms of entertainment allow you to lie back on the couch swilling light beer and scratching your nutsack, this league is actually designed to have participants... participate.
Some of us think that's the beauty of it.
C'mon, boys and girls. I don't want to see anybody get discouraged because they think they may have gotten off to a rough start. I'm 1-3 and I intend to win the whole thing.
Invaders-Where are all the match 5 line-ups?Who is P4 playing against me?If they don't post it means that it's their previous match's line-up?I only see line-ups for myself,Eric,Dave and Tom.
MATCH 5 1/4, 2/5, 3/8, 6/7
Thanks for posting the matchups and standings.
Invaders lineup for match 5 w/the Teutonic twosome's undefeated P4 team is-your naturalized Olympic team member-Kaman-C-West-PF-Granger-SF-Williams-PG-Gordon-SG-Arenas-6th
E Team says:
For the time being, E Teams squares off against traditional rival Ticket with...
LBJ, D.Lee, KG, Rondo, SJax and Tyreke
And please, a moment of silence for the great Alan Ogg, who died this week. I think Dave might have had him on his squad at some point. Thank you.
E Team says:
Uh, like Tom said, please post your scores after each match, people. Preferably with your opponent's score alongside it. We trust everyone's playing along at home; that's the whole point, right? The Knish Kommish is doing a nice job of posting the schedule and lineups. All anyone else is being asked to do is report their damn score.
Guys, while I understand that most modern American forms of entertainment allow you to lie back on the couch swilling light beer and scratching your nutsack, this league is actually designed to have participants... participate.
Some of us think that's the beauty of it.
C'mon, boys and girls. I don't want to see anybody get discouraged because they think they may have gotten off to a rough start. I'm 1-3 and I intend to win the whole thing.
R. Westbrook
B. Roy
G. Wallace
C. Bosh
E. Okafur
Z. Randolph
Holly s#$t 4 games in and I still don't have a DNP!
Invaders-Where are all the match 5 line-ups?Who is P4 playing against me?If they don't post it means that it's their previous match's line-up?I only see line-ups for myself,Eric,Dave and Tom.
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