Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Enter Match 15 Scores


Hoop Social said...

Ticket say
Swat goes with Taste-less Curry vs Ticket? Sounds like:

Clusterfuck Nation
By James Howard Kunstler

The Revolutionary Moment

I overheard a conversation between two employees over at the Price Chopper supermarket last week. (The Price Chopper logo is a picture of a Mercury dime with an ax cleaving into Mercury's head; in other words, an ax murder.) The supermarket employees were both middle-aged women.
First: "I'm going home to a cold house."
Second: "Why don't you turn up the heat?"
First: "I don't have no money for fuel."
Meanwhile, 175 miles south in Manhattan somewhere, Lloyd Blankfein's personal shopper is trying to figure out whether to buy Lloyd's favorite niece a Fabergé egg themed Memories of Azov or a Jaguar XK convertible.
Maybe the catch here is that the anonymous supermarket workers are only freezing this Christmas season. If they were freezing and hungry, it might be a different story. But, working in a supermarket, a person might find a way to cadge a few tidbits here and there (whoops, we broke a bag of Cheetos on the loading dock) - the catch there being you could get fired for stealing the merchandise. O sorry nation!
But don't fear! The president and congress are looking out for you, O nation of freezing supermarket employees (and flummoxed personal shoppers, and wily mega-bank CEOs)! They have fashioned a deal that we might call Stim-u-rama. Everybody gets a tax cut! Everybody! Not just Lloyd B but all you toiling and moiling shelf-stockers and check-out cashiers. Plus, you will get a reduction of several percentage points in your payroll deductions - a redoo in the dedoo! - which must be good for at least one Justin Bieber action figure (if there are any left!) in these waning days of the Yuletide consumer frenzy.

December 14, 2010 12:17 PM

Hoop Social said...
Meanwhile moreover, CBS 60-Minutes showed a segment Sunday night on the rip-roaring economic miracle of Brazil - "a little bit bigger than the USA geographically and loaded with natural resources" - as if to rub it in that we have become a sorry nation of losers to a bunch of no-account beach layabouts. As usual, the 60-Minutes reportage was full of lies and misrepresentations, for instance, that Brazil's offshore oil discoveries are so huge and so easy to extract that they will save industrial civilization.
The sights and smells of Christmas usually put me in a mellow frame of mind. But this year there's an acid edge in the mulled wine, an off-taste in the plum pudding, a disconcerting odor of rot in the piped-in holiday potpourri.

Hoop Social said...

Obviously, the government tax deal along with the Federal Reserve's recent QE announcements represent a mighty effort to stuff some spendable lucre into this shuddering, doddering beast of the American economy. The people running things don't know what else to do. We find ourselves in a decelerating system, hopelessly over-complex (and scheming, even, to add additional layers of complexity!), with money-making activity shifted from producing things of value into a runaway Wall Street machine dedicated to something-for-nothing rentier exploitation of interest rate differentials, arbitrages, short-sales, outright swindles, and other activities based on no creation of value whatsoever. While capital piles up in the salons of Central Park West and the cigar cellars of the Hamptons, social capital hemorrhages every day as masses of formerly-working Americans forego the acquisition of any useful skills, or forget old ones, or opt to lose themselves in the transports of methadrine, "reality" TV, and tattoo art. To put it perhaps a bit indelicately, our shit is falling apart.
It's fascinating that in the background of all this the price of oil is fibrillating around $90-a-barrel - and nobody is paying any attention to that. We seem to have forgotten the lesson from back in 2008 that when oil gets above the $80 mark, things in this land of Happy Motoring and the Warehouse-on-wheels don't work so well. No wonder President Obama and congress are trying to stuff the country full of sugar plums just to get past the horror of a Christmas holiday when not a few working people will be freezing in their homes, if they have homes.
And in not too many days ahead we'll get a peek at those Christmas bonuses landing in the laps of Lloyd Blankfein's minions at Goldman Sachs and the rest of the geniuses in the engine room of prosperity.
When I was already a grown-up young newspaper reporter thirty-odd years ago, I never dreamed I'd see a revolutionary moment here in the USA - even with old Nixie pulling one fast one after another, before heading off to that helicopter for his last wave to the people who elected him. Now, I'm not so sure.

Hoop Social said...

Partial scores-P4 169 my Invaders 102+Nash and EGordon-if Gramger had played I'd be looking good amzingly I still have a chance Eteamers 191 Nitecaps 134+Amare and Westbrook Ticket 202+Galinari Swat 81+Rondo amd Durant another DNP w/Curry for Swat..Ticket looks like a sure winner and might be ready to claim his first match high money this season Kontrol??? JRB 141+Duncan

nitecaps said...

Hey Mark,
I have the E's at 153 + Felton?

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says
What? No 4PM deadline lineup overhaul by Nitecaps..er Swat?
A 38 point difference between Mr. Top 3 fantasy picks tally and Nitecaps' opponents actual score? See ya in the basement sonny.

Get this, Cliff Lee turns down $30 mil more to sign with the Phils instead of the Yanks. Why? Because Yankee playoff fans spit on his wife Gypsy Rose and the other Ranger wives. I believe that misallocation should be attributed to the bitch in the inevitable divorce.

nitecaps said...

Ticket. Who are you going to see in the basement?
I think you have a long term lease there. No sublets.

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says
My weakest link scores 37 and Scola rests the fourth quarter. Watch Gallinari tonite give me more than Nitecaps' match high score last match.

Hoop Social said...

I have P4 with 140 with BGriff to go (playing tonight). Is tht right?

nitecaps said...

Ticket alert.
So far, so good.
Dalinari 3 reb, 2 ass, 0 pts. at the half

Hoop Social said...

T0 E-Invaders have your lineup w/out Felton-did I miss a change-?I've got LBJ?LEE?MONTA?sJAX?BOOZER?AND LAMARCUS-to P4-You're correct it would be 140 w/out Griffiin somehow I got a 29 for Griffin but nothing for his teamate Gordo who plays for me-I'll go back and check both of these!!

Hoop Social said...

E apology from Invaders missed Felton for Lamarcus change..

Hoop Social said...

Eric Invaders are on discount multiple Margaritas from happy hour please excuse me!! have LBJ-31/Lee-32/Monta-45/SJax-17 and Boozer-45 for 170

Hoop Social said...

To Dave and E-I've now got 170+Felton to 134+Amare and Westbrook P4-You're final total is 185 w/Griffin 45-this is exactly why I print partials to see if I'm wrong or you guys are!!I got Gordo at 25 so I'm 127+Nash-looks like P4 win

Hoop Social said...

Dave Invaders think that judging by your 153 total for E you must not have SJax's 17 added to make my 170??both your Amare and his Felton are having monster games heading to possible OT!!

Hoop Social said...

No OT...invaders see that Amare 53 gives Dave's Nitecappers 187+Westbrook E finishes at 210 w/40 from Felton...Tom will not have easy road to his high match point goal

nitecaps said...

I have...

Westbrook 25
K. Martin 19
D. Wright 29
Z. Randolph 50
A. Stoudamire 53
D. Rose 36 212

LBJ 31
DLee 32
Monta 30
SJax 17
Boozer 45
Felton 40 195

Hoop Social said...

Invaders blew monta's total put Boozer twice(once under Monta)Dave is correct-final Nitecaps 212 E 195 Nitecaps(same as reported by Dave)E(same as reported by Dave)Final Ticket 228 Swat 152 Ticket(Bogut-40/Scola-37/Bosh-39/Galinari-26/Wade-39/Deron-47)Swat(Harris-21/Curry-DNP/Durant-43/Love-30/AJefferson-30/Rondo-28)Awaiting Nash final to figure Kontrol and Invader total

Hoop Social said...

FinalP4 185 Invaders 159 P4(Paul-24/Iggy-20/GWall-29/Dirk-43/BLopez-24/Griffin-45)Invaders(Howard-38/Granger-DNP/PGasol-33/Nash-32/EGordon-25/Horford-31)Kontrol 189 JRB 173 Kntrol(1131/6=188.5)JRB(Duncan-32/Josh Smith-34/Melo-48/Kobe-34/Tyreke-DNP/Gay-25)Kontrol is in complete control of our league w/a 12-3 record//Tom takes high match point money w/228

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Mark, way to finally wrestle those scores to the ground.

Now that we've got both the X-Man and Ticket on the move, I'm looking for KonTroL to win the regular season title with the remaining seven teams finishing tied for second place at 20-20.

Maybe we should start making provisions for expanding the Big Dance to include a couple wild card teams.