Monday, December 27, 2010

Enter Match 19 Scores


Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

I've got the E Team, now back in front of the human pack, turning back Ticket by 213-200.

Hoop Social said...

Eric- Invaders calculate your game w/Ticket as follows E 213 Ticket 139+Scola and Deron plugged in Monday numbers for those 2 players which were late calls from match 18...Scola and Deron's next game would therefore count as the match 19 numbers...isn't that the way I'm supposed to do it??

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Shoot. My bad. You're exactly right. Carry on.

Hoop Social said...

here are some partial scores Invaders 181+Nash Nitecaps 158+Martin Kontrol??? P4 89+Lopez JRB 132 Swat 101+Harris/Jefferson and Milsap..3 DNP's for P4 and one for JRB

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says
75 to upend e-team? Deron's possibly good for 50, but scola spells another disappointment for 7-11. at least E-Team doesn't get aldridge no. at Denver, opting for Felton..

Hoop Social said...

Final Invaders 224 Nitecaps 185 Invaders(Howard-41/PGasol-26/Granger-26/Nash-43/EGordon-42/Beasley-46)Nitecaps(Westbrook-28/Martin-27/Kleiza-18/ZBo-33/Amare-42/Rose-37)Invaders will calculate the other 3 finals as soon as Jazz game ends

Hoop Social said...

Final Swat 196 JRB 134 Swat(Harris-24/Curry-31/Durant-41/Love-30/Jefferson-46/Milsap-24)JRB(Duncan-8/Josh Smith-21/Melo-DNP/Kobe-28/Tyreke-42/Gay-35)Eteam 213 Ticket 197 E(LBJ-36/Lee-41/Monta-37/Boozer-38/SJax-38/Felton-23)Ticket 197(Deron-30/Mo-25/Wade-54/JoeJ-27/Bosh-33/Scola-28)Kontrol 191 P4 121 Kontrol(1147/6)P4(Paul-46/Iggy-DNP/GWall-DNP/Dirk-DNP/BLopez-32/Griffin-43)My Invaders take their 4th high match point win w/224

Hoop Social said...

Jeez. What a joke. KonTroL has some weird force going on. We are not absentee owners, yet had 3 DNPs! And Dirk screwed us twice. Hans had a few too many steins and ripped Udrih and Pierce out for Iggy and GWall, but both were actually projected to play.
For now, cause we might forget, this being the busiest time of year in Hamburg go CP3, Udrih, Pierce, BGriff, BLopez, and Cheating-with-the-stars Stoney Parker. For now...

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says
Last season I was cheated blind by
Cheating-with-the-stars Stoney. P4 with the focus for the day !