Thursday, January 20, 2011

Enter Match 26 Scores


nitecaps said...
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nitecaps said...
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Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

For the friendly vs. Ticket...

Ticket says

"O friend, there is no friend."-Aristotle

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Hey Tom, I've been meaning to ask you, who's this good Jew that's playing for the Knicks: MozelGov?

A toast to his success.

Hoop Social said...

This Russian isn't a jew as far as Invaders know..Jordan Farmar was picked up by Nets for that reason(a yiddish schwartzer!!)--Knicks must counter by trading for Casspi....(When Red Auerbach drafted Russell w/the first pick in '56 draft a few other jewish team owners and front office personnel in the room said in unison "but Red he's a schwartzer")Look for Kirlenko to play for Nets next year....he wants front office position after he's done playing and he's already good friends w/the Russian billionaire owner

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

You know, I'm always hearing what a warrior Stephen Jackson is, and he acts like he's the man, talking shit about how Larry Brown needed to get fired, then he goes out and holds Joe Johnson to 32 points and puts up 13 fp's and Charlotte gets blown out at home.

Fuckin' shitbag. Will somebody please kick me in the nutsack the next time I draft him?

Hoop Social said...

Invaders have calculated that Ticket has come in w/the lowest point total ever seen(by me) an even 100 points-a DNP and 3 sub 20's + a high total of 28 doom ducat dealer...P4 has a very good shot for a win against Kontrol because Swat has registered 3 sub 20 point performances as well this match...

Hoop Social said...

P4 despite being given a break by low Ticket and Swat scores so far is in the books w/an underwhelming 134 w/Griffin still to play...JRB is finished w/ 187 to Swat's 96 w/Durant and Love to play....Swat like my Invader's w/Beasley must wait until Monday night's T-wolves late call..accordingly Kontrol-P4 game won't be decided until then either..All of this means that Eteam can be declared the winner against Ticket but no other contest will be decided until Monday

Hoop Social said...

Swat sez;

JRB vs. Swat, Match 26

JRB - Cousins 36, JoSmith 22, Gay 34, Kobe 32, JWall 33, Odom 30 = 187

Swat - JCraw 17, Curry 45, Durant 44, AlJeff 18, Bargnani 17 = 141 w/Love to go

Neeed 47 from KLove to topple JRB, hopefully the rest will do him good.

Blow out central on my team with JCraw's ATL Chicken Hawks laying a 59 egg against NO and losing by 41, Utah getting crushed by 26 at Boston, and Toronto getting enviscerated by 40 against Orlando!

Also, Larry Bird sighting at the Silver Dollar in NW!

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

The gap-toothed crapbag jeopardizes my match money, but the E Team takes some solace in a 224-100 win over Ticket.

Hoop Social said...

Final Eteam 224 Ticket 100-friendly??-biggest blow out of the season E(Lebron-58-Lee-36/Monta-45/SJax-13/Lamrcus-42/Jamison-30)Ticket(Okafor-17/Scola-28/JoeJ-16/DJ-28/Wade-DNP/Deron-11)

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

No progress report on the Invaders-Nitecaps showdown?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Hoop Social said...

Sean- Invaders have Swat at 140.... the difference being Curry at 44..... I've got him w/34 points/3 rebs/3 assists and 4 steals for 44

Hoop Social said...

Waiting for Clipper final from Gordon..

Hoop Social said...

Invaders are in trouble as Gordon appears to only have 27 w/30 seconds left against Warriors-Caps 239 Invaders 181+Beasley who's unlikely to get 58

Hoop Social said...

Warrior Clips one point game 20 seconds left-Griffin looking like another monster game so it should be enough for P4 unless Love and Beasley go nuts....

Hoop Social said...

P4 190 Kontrol???+Love and Beasley/6..

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

As the current frontrunner, I appreciate the breathing room the Nitecap's likely win over the second-place Invaders will provide.

But like the Doomsday Machine turning on Captain Kirk's Enterprise after destroying another Star Fleet ship, I realize the X-Man is also pursuing me. And here's what he's bringing: 224.9 over the last seven - and that includes a match in which he topped 200 with only five guys.

A bit reminiscent of Dave's first championship season, when he hovered over the rookie Hammer in the second half of the season, carving huge chunks out of both his lead in the standings and his points advantage, ultimately grabbing both.

The guy looks like he is out to prove the title he's defending was no fluke. (Well, wait. It actually kinda was. But he's kicking ass right now is what I mean to say.)

nitecaps said...

The title was no fluke. (Well, wait. It actually kinda was).
True, but we beat the team that was in front of us.
I will also throw in a 242 average over the last 3.
I'm looking for a Colorado Rockies like finish.

Regarding our upcoming schedule.

Like Tiger Woods, marriage has seem to take some of the edge off the once proud JRB's game.
While the Tickets are starting to resemble the Yankees of the 80's.

I just hope we don't get caught looking ahead to our showdown with the E's. Ahh f@#$k that! The schedules up and the E's have a big circle around them.

Fortunately for the P4's and their scouting staff that is twice the size any other franchise (some have said a competitive advantage). Looks like you caught a break this week against Kontrol. But don't worry about the Nitecaps in your rear view mirror. We will move past you soon enough. Readjust your expectations and realize that your real enemy is the Swat team, in your battle for the final playoff position.
Alright suckas, you've been put on alert. We are putting it in cruise control for the upcoming week and even thinking about resting a couple of starters.

Billy Poole

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

The X-Man getting a little smackish. I like it.

And, before the Germans get too ecstatic about snapping their losing streak, they should know that 70 points from Love and Beasley will give Kontrol 190.2 and a win. (P4 is at 190.)

Or does it? Since the .2 normally would be rounded down to 190, would that be a tie? Would Kontrol need to get to 190.5, which would be rounded up to 191, in order to get the win? Or would any number, even fractional, above 190 give the machine the victory?

Mark, I think you should rule on this. Or should we vote on it?


In any case, Dave, you may catch these guys sooner than you think.

Hoop Social said...

Invaders have operated on the assumption that anything up to .4 would be a tie and .5 and above would be a win for Kontrol.While not mathmatically accurate it is the way I've been scoring Kontrol all year...based on the way baseball avg. is rounded up at.5 no ties have yet occurred...while there's no precedent I'm aware of on this matter(league historians?) this discussion serves to illustrate what happens(in the context of debating the finer points of fantasy philosophy)when we have the rare privledge of extra time w/a late call to contemplate hypothetical situations.I for instance am grappling w/whether to risk putting Beasley in Monday's match 27 lineup w/out knowing his health or performance after his next game..

Hoop Social said...

Attention everybody-The worst case scenario theat E proposed has happened..the score is Kontrol 190.3 P4 190-I'm willing to call that a tie for P4 based on my prior scoring philossophy concerning the median monster Kontrol 190(1142/6-190.3)P4(Paul-30/Udrih-25/Wallace-20/Dirk-33/BLopez-26/Griffin-56)

Hoop Social said...

Final in a thrilling last ten second win KLove's basket takes Sean's Swatters to a 188-187 victory over Ryno Swat(as reported on earlier post by Sean except Curry has 44 and Love-48)Ryno(Cousins-36/Josh-22/Gay-34/Kobe-32/Wall-33/Odom-30)Nitecaps 239 Invaders 204 Caps(Westbrook-41/Young-35/DWright-32/Zbo-50/Amare-40/Rose-41)Invaders(Howard-53/PGas-36/Granger-30/Nash-35/EGordon-27/Beasley-23)Caps take yet another high point prize w/239

nitecaps said...

Tie sounds good to me

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Weird. I tried to post a comment last night suggesting that we let the P4's decide whether they wanted to accept the rounding up/down principle or only agree to a tie in the event of an actual exact tie. But my post got lost. I suspect foul play.

Strange outcome. We could award Kontrol the win based on it having a score that was technically higher than the P4's, then call it a 200 for statistical purposes.
Or we could call it a tie.

My vote is that I'll leave it up Mark and/or the rest of you guys to decide. Part of me thinks the Germans should lose, since they were outscored.
The other part doesn't really give a shit. I plan to leave both teams behind me in the standings.

Hoop Social said...
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Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

And hey, Tom, did you not see my funny comment higher up in this post? The one about your boy Mozgov? I thought you'd like that.

Where is the appreciation for a good comedy bit?

Hoop Social said...

Invaders are completely open-minded on this tie subject-I assume this has never happened in the league before..True P4 was technically outscored but in all the other 25 games Kontrol has played thus far I've rounded up at .5 or more and down for .4 or less so it seems to me the fact that it's a tie shouldn't change the method of scoring...if for instance P4 ends up tied w/someone for a playoff spot w/exact same record and total points the .3 could be the tie breaker..but that couldn't possibly happen..could it????

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Mark, the fractional win wouldn't affect the recordkeeping. Kontrol's official score would be 200, but it would win the game based on the higher number.

What I tried to say on my missing post from last night was that the Germans would almost certainly have argued for a win if Kontrol had scored under 190, even if it was a 189.9. That score, too, would have been recorded as a 190.

But if the common practice is to round the score up or down - and it is - I suppose Kontrol's score is effectively 190. What the hey, give the once-proud Germans their tie. Anybody who's idea of snapping a losing streak is tying Kontrol needs all the sympathy they can get.

Some Blitzkrieg.

nitecaps said...

Excellent points!!!
There is no doubt that had kontrol been .3 under they would have lobbied and won for the victory.
Also, the fractional points that Mark has been rounding up and down are of no relevance as it had no effect on the outcome.
I have had a change of opinion.
I vote for one in the "L" column for the P4's.
I say one of two methods for solving this.
A) All seven participants vote. Majority rule.

B) P4's decide their own karma

C) Ticket conducts a street poll of no less than 100 people. The results along with video highlights to be posted online.

Hoop Social said...

Invaders don't understand why you'd round Kontrol up to 200 from 190.3 but I don't want to come off as insisting this contest be a tie if all you guys who've been playing this way for years object-If there's a history of contentious bickering over fractional points I'm not aware off then I say we should leave it to a vote-my point that I made badly(not thinking straight I'm sick w/flu since Sunday)is that if P4 got a tie and then had the exact same record as another playoff team at season's end(Ticket- Caps tied) we could re-visit the .3 as a unique tiebreaker like a Maris asterisk in '61 or a Bonds/Sosa roider footnote in the recordbooks..

nitecaps said...

Why haven't we heard fro the Germans on this?

nitecaps said...

Invaders don't understand why you'd round Kontrol up to 200 from 190.3 ???

I guess I don't quite get that statement?

My understanding is that all we are doing is not rounding anything off.


Any rounding off of kontrol's score thus far is to save an extra space in the scoring column. Let's face it whether you have rounded up or down hasn't had any bearing on anything.

I would say that this is a time to set a precedence. So I suggest everyone voice their opinion.

The fact is the Germans got out scored.

Seems quite clear to me.

Hoop Social said...

E Team says:

Mark, I didn't mean to say Kontrol's score would be rounded to 200. I meant 190. My bad.