Invaders face league best Eteam w/2 starters of now going w/Horford/PGasol/Granger/Nash/Foye and Terry...Horford has bad match-up w/Lakers while E's Warriors have it easy against the horrible Cavaliers..Gordon injury at least means my Foye pick-up is fantasy relevant..he can also play one if the old man Nash breaks down..
Here we go. In the 38th match of the season, in a match that could decide the regular season title, the E Team inserts a guy that he acquired in a supplemental less than 24 hours earlier. And I considered using two of them.
Good luck to you as well Eric..I'd have considered Humphries against the short Warrior front line w/4 days rest after London doubleheader...but Hickson gets them as well before that..
Ticket wonders why new feature allows anyone can delete someone else's comment. Someone figure out how to retrieve a deleted comment in case nitecaps makes the finals.
Invaders face league best Eteam w/2 starters of now going w/Horford/PGasol/Granger/Nash/Foye and Terry...Horford has bad match-up w/Lakers while E's Warriors have it easy against the horrible Cavaliers..Gordon injury at least means my Foye pick-up is fantasy relevant..he can also play one if the old man Nash breaks down..
e-team fails to tell ticket his supplemental pick now
E Team says:
Here we go. In the 38th match of the season, in a match that could decide the regular season title, the E Team inserts a guy that he acquired in a supplemental less than 24 hours earlier. And I considered using two of them.
LBJ, DLee, Monta, Aldridge, Hickson, Lowry
Good luck, Mark.
Good luck to you as well Eric..I'd have considered Humphries against the short Warrior front line w/4 days rest after London doubleheader...but Hickson gets them as well before that..
Invaders change lineup inserting new 2 guard Thornton replacing Jason Terry
Eric-Humphries is only a 4 on ESPN
Joe J
Ticket wonders why new feature allows anyone can delete someone else's comment. Someone figure out how to retrieve a deleted comment in case nitecaps makes the finals.
ticket says
N.O. HORNETS: Fri-Sun 3/21-3: 3/24 (@UT late CALL)
Swat sez;
Rondo, Curry, Durant, KLove, AlJeff, Bargnani
Into the breach.
P4 has to take a Holliday at a most critical juncture of season...
Nitecaps vs. P4's
R. Westbrook
K. Martin
D. Wright
Z. Randolph
D. Rose
Note to Ticket.
The ability to delete a message is not a new option.
The reason that (most) anyone can delete anothers message is because (most) everyone signs in under one user name and password.
If teams took a minute to create their own user names and passwords this wouldn't be a problem.
The term username/password protected ring a bell?
Just a little FYI :)
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