Thursday, March 31, 2011

Round 2 Match 3 Final Lineups


Hoop Social said...

Back from the dead Invaders intend a lineup of Superman "Moe or Elston or Frank or Desmond Howard/my favorite Catalan/"Farley or Stewart" Granger/the Nash rambler/not Rod Thorn(ton)ton and Gordo unless Horford or Beasley intrigue me tomorrow before 4 or I read rumors of Tyreke starting Friday are true>>>>>

Hoop Social said...

Mark "Dewey beats Truman Mosier...I like about if we had a tie?would we have then split the money if I had won this next game?

Hoop Social said...

Change Horford for Gordon 6th-I like Horford matched w/Kristic or Baby but not KG and I think Thornton is playing so well they will take Garcia's minutes to play him and Tyreke together

E Team said...

E Team says:

Mark, was Gasol back in that game only because several players had been ejected? Wow. And could those ejections contribute to a big Gasol night in Match 3? (I have no idea who got thrown out. I understand Matt Barnes started it, so maybe it's just a bunch of garbage players like him.)

And did Dave go to bed thinking he had secured himself another title? I hope he doesn't wake up and plotz in his coffee.

Hoop Social said...

Ticket says
Howard ejected yesterday.
Just kidding. Jew How and Z both required to rough up Wall.

D. Stern's next global NBA plan: The $35K fines dished out for technicals should equal the number of season tickets who don't renew contracts.
I'm sending E-Team and his better half to Thunder game tonite. Since there's no fantasy title actors expected in the RG, I'll ump JV girl's fast pitch. May that 25-0 walkathon scene resemble Invader's conquest.

E Team said...

E Team says:

I must say, most of the matchups look pretty good for the Invaders. The weak link may be Gasol at the Jizz against Al Jeff and Millsap. But Utah should be looking to make it a game on a Friday night at home against a marquee rival, and the Lakers did play last night.

Can the Invaders, the spottiest of the league's top teams down the stretch, a team that won with a 176 to advance to the final round, pull this thing off?

Will the XMan be denied his historic third title?

Epic possibilities here.

Hoop Social said...

Eric I'm glad you like the matchups-back to back at Utah is never good your right but I can't sit Gasol-Beasley has Miami and LeBron match-up Green rides Celtic pine and Horford is my 6th over inconsistent returning Gordon my omly viable alternative at 2 over jet and Foye-I toyed w/idea of benching Nash for Collison or Conley or even Baron but they all project 25-30 as I see it so stay w/who brung ya here!!!as for last night's game since Shannon Brown and Barnes were thrown out why would Gasol come back for them-unless they were playing Barnes as a back up 4??which the undersized Warriors used to do..I know they want to protect Bynum's knees for the playoffs..Invaders thought it was time for old Theo and young Caracter at that point...I'm assuming Dave will go w/same has been the case all year for the Caps the key is probably Wright having a good game as the 3 postion is the reason Dave was .500 during the season-Westbrook Rose or Amare will have to come up big if Dorel falters again

Hoop Social said...

Also Eric as to Gasol in Utah tonight-The Jazz are going w/Milsap at 3 and Jeff at 4 w/Russian Fesnko at 5-this looks good for intial matchup-Odom would play more 3 against Milsap w/no Barnes or Brown-

Hoop Social said...

It's offical Invaders just read that Udrih is sitting and Tyreke is taking his spot not my Thornton's..look for a lot of 3 guard alignments w/Garcia playing less than Udrih...

nitecaps said...

Good game Mark!

For all the glory

R. Westbrook
K. Martin
D. Wright
Z. Randolph
A. Stoudemire
D. Rose

You guys pay too much attention to match ups. I had great ones in the last match and it didn't pan out. This isn't foorball or baseball. The big boys get there points regardless of who their playing.

nitecaps said...

Jeez Mark did you turn over lineup card to Ticket? After 10 minutes of deciphering I've surmised that you are going with the same lineup as last match. Is that correct?

D. Howard
P. Gasol
D. Granger
S. Nash
M. Thorton
A. Horford

Hoop Social said...

Yes Invaders are going the same-Granger only 4 and Howard 10 early in 2nd quarter..the change to Gordon for Horford was switched back

Hoop Social said...

Good luck Dave-I do look at match-ups for the lesser players-for instance Beasley would have little chance for a agood game if he has to guard LeBron...the guys like Howard and Gasol always play well..Nash's matchup w/Mo Williams was good I thought better than Collison or Conley one of whom had Paul as I remember

Hoop Social said...

Invaders Collison has 17 at the half I should of bumped Nash-Rose has got 21 in second quarter-rooting for blow out of Pistons in 2nd half..Howard-16 Granger-11