Partial scores-Eteam has defeated the Wingos- E has 133 w/Monta and Deng still to play Wingos finish with 130....It's Mr. B 164+Wade P4 130 awaiting Bosh and Holiday...Swat looks like the winner against the Tickets it's Swat 163+Lebron Ticket 115 w/my former upstairs neighbor Noah still to go....Invaders are losing again both teams w/173 Dave needs just a single point from Jennings to break the tie
Final In an exciting game Belvederes pullpf the victory against the Germans 196-194 B(Sessions-32...Wade-32...Gay-34...Griff-25...Lee-37...Asik-36)P4(Holiday-22...Harden-49...Durant-36...Bosh-32...Ibaka-33...George-22)It's George again that screws up the Germans
Final Nitecaps 209 Invaders 173 Caps(Jennings-36...Kobe-38...Zebo-33...Melo-43...Baby-26...Dragic-33)Invaders (Gortat-12...Aldridge-10...JoeJohn-20...Westbrook-44...Lowry-33...Parsons-45)Dave again wins high point honors w/his 209
Partial scores-Eteam has defeated the Wingos- E has 133 w/Monta and Deng still to play Wingos finish with 130....It's Mr. B 164+Wade P4 130 awaiting Bosh and Holiday...Swat looks like the winner against the Tickets it's Swat 163+Lebron Ticket 115 w/my former upstairs neighbor Noah still to go....Invaders are losing again both teams w/173 Dave needs just a single point from Jennings to break the tie
I have P4 with 140: Ibaka-33, Durant-36, George-22, Harden-49
P4 has 140 sorry about quick inaccurate adding
Final In an exciting game Belvederes pullpf the victory against the Germans 196-194 B(Sessions-32...Wade-32...Gay-34...Griff-25...Lee-37...Asik-36)P4(Holiday-22...Harden-49...Durant-36...Bosh-32...Ibaka-33...George-22)It's George again that screws up the Germans
Final Eteam 184 Wingos 130 E(Howard-19...Love-41...Monta-27...Rondo-32...Deng-24...Duncan-41...)HW(DWill-23...KMart-4...AK-22...Horford-44...Cousins-27...Shved-10)
Final Swat 2o5 Ticket 140 Swat(Gasol-29...Jeff-29...LBJ-42...Batum-20...Iggy-39...Parker-46)NYT(Noah-25...Milsap-12...Monroe-37...Josh-26...Curry-10...Paul-30...)
Final Nitecaps 209 Invaders 173 Caps(Jennings-36...Kobe-38...Zebo-33...Melo-43...Baby-26...Dragic-33)Invaders (Gortat-12...Aldridge-10...JoeJohn-20...Westbrook-44...Lowry-33...Parsons-45)Dave again wins high point honors w/his 209
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