Proving once again that it's better to suck ass and get a good matchup than be good, E Team squares its record at 3-3 with a 161-96 win over the four-man McCarthyists.
Are there two shittier first-ballot Hall of Famers in the NBA than Kevin Garnett (23) and Vince Carter (20)? Garnett is now officially my third best power forward behind Aldridge and Jason Thompson. And how about Kidd Rondo, who now averages about four field goal attempts a game? Goddamn.
Ticket may have grabbed sole possession of second place with his win over the NiteCreamers (GWall 22, ZBo 17), just in time for a Match 7 showdown with the undefeated Germans, who are finally deriving full benefit from having twice as much time to draft as everybody else.
Stacy, who's been on autopilot since Match 2, can pull the Invaders back down into the .500 Club by getting 28 fp's from his Amare today.
And hey, Gregg and Terry, feel free to get some actual healthy players into your lineup at any time. It doesn't cost a thing and it actually gives you a chance to win some matches. Really. Try it.
How about E-Team providing scores when he's accumulating them?
His police effort for lame lineups is working out swell. (sic)
Since we have two teams that refuse to participate, the knish commish proposes to P4, Invaders, Paula's Creamers and E-Team...(DBS not weighing in yet since match one)...that we give these two squads the Kontrol treatment. That means whatever the total score of the P4, Invaders, Ticket, Paula's Creamers, E-Team and DBS, less the score of whichever one of these teams faces the lame lineup managers, is divided by five (depending on if Shitlinger doesn't face Mccarthyism) to determine Kontrol's score vs the opponents of Shitlinger and Mccarthyism. These two truants would tie when scheduled.
Was that clear to Invaders? Everyone else know Kontrol from years gone by.
Match 7 marks the last "new" match before the cycle repeats itself. Then the Kontrol score for truants could begin match 8 after everyone has had their way with the miscreants.
Counting Ticket, I request four more yeas to go with Kontrol.
This means more work for me-which believe you me is unwelcome- but it's better than six squads getting nine or ten free wins over the course of five schedule cycles beginning with match 8.
Invaders-well DBS/Amare did me in 212-197-I hope w/don't go this control route-this is looking like the last season of the ABA in '75-6.The expansion Baltimore Claws went under before their first game(dispersing Dan Issel to Denver)-then the Utah Stars folded sending the teenage Moses Malone to the St.Louis Spirits.Only 4 of the remaing 7 teams joined the NBA the following year-I think the Kontrol team that year was the Virginia Squires!!
Win-Loss, Off.-Def. Pts,$
P4's 5-0,999-940,$10
Paula Creamers 3-2,999-923,$10
Invaders 3-2,983-920,$5
Ticket 3-2,884-818
E Team 2-3,898-888
DBS 2-3,894-885
Mccarthyists 2-3,750-848
Shittslinger 0-5,691-842
1/7, 2/8, 3/5, 4/6
P4 vs Shitslingers
E-team vs McCarthyism
Paula's Creamers vs Ticket
Invaders vs DBS
Ticket says
to Paula's Creamers:
Can you outscore the defensive (sic) league leader?
Thanks again for posting records and schedule.
Good Luck.
E Team says:
Proving once again that it's better to suck ass and get a good matchup than be good, E Team squares its record at 3-3 with a 161-96 win over the four-man McCarthyists.
Are there two shittier first-ballot Hall of Famers in the NBA than Kevin Garnett (23) and Vince Carter (20)? Garnett is now officially my third best power forward behind Aldridge and Jason Thompson. And how about Kidd Rondo, who now averages about four field goal attempts a game? Goddamn.
Ticket may have grabbed sole possession of second place with his win over the NiteCreamers (GWall 22, ZBo 17), just in time for a Match 7 showdown with the undefeated Germans, who are finally deriving full benefit from having twice as much time to draft as everybody else.
Stacy, who's been on autopilot since Match 2, can pull the Invaders back down into the .500 Club by getting 28 fp's from his Amare today.
And hey, Gregg and Terry, feel free to get some actual healthy players into your lineup at any time. It doesn't cost a thing and it actually gives you a chance to win some matches. Really. Try it.
Rock on, devotees of the hardwood.
Ticket says
How about E-Team providing scores when he's accumulating them?
His police effort for lame lineups is working out swell. (sic)
Since we have two teams that refuse to participate, the knish commish proposes to P4, Invaders, Paula's Creamers and E-Team...(DBS not weighing in yet since match one)...that we give these two squads the Kontrol treatment. That means whatever the total score of the P4, Invaders, Ticket, Paula's Creamers, E-Team and DBS, less the score of whichever one of these teams faces the lame lineup managers, is divided by five (depending on if Shitlinger doesn't face Mccarthyism) to determine Kontrol's score vs the opponents of Shitlinger and Mccarthyism. These two truants would tie when scheduled.
Was that clear to Invaders? Everyone else know Kontrol from years gone by.
Match 7 marks the last "new" match before the cycle repeats itself. Then the Kontrol score for truants could begin match 8 after everyone has had their way with the miscreants.
Counting Ticket, I request four more yeas to go with Kontrol.
This means more work for me-which believe you me is unwelcome- but it's better than six squads getting nine or ten free wins over the course of five schedule cycles beginning with match 8.
Invaders-well DBS/Amare did me in 212-197-I hope w/don't go this control route-this is looking like the last season of the ABA in '75-6.The expansion Baltimore Claws went under before their first game(dispersing Dan Issel to Denver)-then the Utah Stars folded sending the teenage Moses Malone to the St.Louis Spirits.Only 4 of the remaing 7 teams joined the NBA the following year-I think the Kontrol team that year was the Virginia Squires!!
DBS 212-197 Invaders
Ticket 197-177 Paula Creamers
P4's 174-102 Shittslinger
E Team 161-96 McCarthyists.
(Just for shits & giggles
957/5=191.4=Kontrol beats E Team’s 161
934/5=186.8= Kontrol beats P4's 174)
Win-Loss, Off.-Def. Pts,$
P4's 6-0,1173-1042,$10
Ticket 4-2,1081-995
Invaders 3-3,1180-1132,$5
Paula Creamers 3-3,1176-1120,$10
DBS 3-3,1106-1082,$5
E Team 3-3,1059-984
Mccarthyists 2-4,846-1009
Shittslinger 0-6,793-1016
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