Ticket provides update on all lineup under match 4 lineup post
The Giant stories were great, from Mark's Wampum splitting from KC mid game to Eric's Hendu playing with Dick Allen. Hendu was actually a nickname for 70's Met Steve Henderson, the prize of the Seaver to Cincy for 5 easy pieces of the best forgotten.
Ticket's unhappy playing Kontrol. Only one's own team to scour the boxscore.
I'll send out an e-mail call for a vote on a second round for Sunday's supllemental draft. It's 2-1 in favor of two rounds with Nitecaps a probable third in favor. P4 & Swat could help overthrow the commish limit of one round.
Tom-Ken Henderson was a white guy from the late 60's and early 70's who came up w/the Giants in late '65 not be confused w/Hendu Dave Henderson who played w/the Mariners/A's and Redsox and Steve who you remember from the Seaver deal...
Rental car $50, Standing room only ticket in 2nd inning $175, Smoked Turkey leg and Coors light $14, going to Game 5 of the World Series and have my Giants finish the World Series become 2010 World Champions...PRICELESS.
There are 2 finals -Eteam 195 P4 162 E(Lebron-40/Lee-30/Ellis-36/SJax-37/LaMarcus-33/Billups-19)P4 Paul-39/Iggy-13/Wallace-24/Dirk-30/Lopez-17/Grffin-39)no more unbeten teams im the other final JRB 227 My Invaders 223 JRB(Duncan-37/Josh Smith-41/Melo-42/Kobe-37/Tyreke-47/David West-23)Invaders(Howard-51/P/Gasol-42/Granger-30/Nash-38/E.Gordon-33/Horford-29)
Partial scores- Nitecaps (154 + Westbrook) Swat (152 + Durant) Kontrol ? pending Thunder tomorrow Ticket 159...Ticket has already lost because even w/out OKC stats Kontrol is currently at 185.5 Ticket(Scola -30/KG-33/Joe John-20/Wade-44/D.Will-32/Bogut-DNP)Kontrol is in 3 way tie for the lead with E and P4 at 3-1
For the Swat-Nitecap game I've got the following Nitecaps-154 Swat-152 Swat(Rondo-28/Crawford-29/Love-33/Jefferson-32/Milsap-30/Durant-?)where's this 44 from?Nitecaps(K.Martin-28/Roy-32/Amare-29/Blatche-33/Rose-32/Westbrook-?)again where's this 44?are you counting Thursday?-they play tomorrow...I've got 32 for Rose??
Invaders have checked scores and Swat is incorrect on both first and second post..on first post you counted 44 each for Durant and Westbrook on Thursday which is 2nd game of Mon-Thurs. match period-there's no early call since Thunder play Celtics Sunday at 4pm our time..Rose count is wrong on second post as well as first-I checked Friday's Bulls Game -Rose had 18 pts/5 boards/and 9 dimes for a total of 32...not 40... so the score is 154-152 Nitecaps until the stats of Durant and Westbrook are counted...
I see Swat attended game in Arlington-wish I could've been there.Invaders remember that the stadium facade looks exactly like our ATT/Pac Bell park-same architects-I stayed at hotel directly across the street when I was there a Marriott I believe-visiting teams stayed there.There were fires in northern Mexico that memorial weekend around '98 or '99 and the sky was a charcoal gray-the soot/smoke mixed w/Texas 85% humidity amd 90+ degree heat made it tough to breath.I left my game in the 5th inning and gave away tickets the following day
The final score is Swat 197 Nitecaps 190 both teams are now 1-3 Durant 45+152=197 for Swat Westbrook 36+154=190 for Nitecaps boxes for other players are on post at 12:13 am 11/7 on this page.Kontrol defeats Ticket 199-159 Kontrol(1194/6)Ticket box is on 12:06 am post 11/7 on this page..
Ticket provides update on all lineup under match 4 lineup post
The Giant stories were great, from Mark's Wampum splitting from KC mid game to Eric's Hendu playing with Dick Allen. Hendu was actually a nickname for 70's Met Steve Henderson, the prize of the Seaver to Cincy for 5 easy pieces of the best forgotten.
Ticket's unhappy playing Kontrol. Only one's own team to scour the boxscore.
I'll send out an e-mail call for a vote on a second round for Sunday's supllemental draft. It's 2-1 in favor of two rounds with Nitecaps a probable third in favor. P4 & Swat could help overthrow the commish limit of one round.
1 – Nitecaps (Dave Williams)
2 – E Team (Eric Bartels)
3 – Plus Four (Jeff Krebs and Hans Manseth)
4 – Invaders (Mark Mosier)
5 – Ticket (Tom Koeppel)
6 – Swat Team (Sean Besso)Drive By Shooters (Stacy Ruff)
7 - JRB (Ryan Collins)
Match 4 - 1/6, 2/3, 4/7, 5/8
Tom-Ken Henderson was a white guy from the late 60's and early 70's who came up w/the Giants in late '65 not be confused w/Hendu Dave Henderson who played w/the Mariners/A's and Redsox and Steve who you remember from the Seaver deal...
Nice job on the scores Mark!
E Team says:
Iggy limps off the court against the Cavs and takes the Germans' perfect record with him.
E Team 196, P4's 162
Current for Swat Team vs. Caps:
Rondo 27, JCraw 29, Durant 44, KLove 33, AlJeff 32, Milsap 30
Westbrook 44, Broy 30, Amare 29, ABlatche 33, DRose 40 = 176 w/KMart to go
Swat with 195 in Match 4
Rental car $50, Standing room only ticket in 2nd inning $175, Smoked Turkey leg and Coors light $14, going to Game 5 of the World Series and have my Giants finish the World Series become 2010 World Champions...PRICELESS.
Oh shit, I f'ed up, disregarding last Swat vs. Nitecap update, more to follow...
Current for Swat Team vs. Caps REVISED:
Rondo 27, JCraw 29, KLove 33, AlJeff 32, Milsap 30 = 151 w/Durant to go
BRoy 30, Amare 29, ABlatche 33, DRose 40 = 132 w/Westbrook & KMart to go
There are 2 finals -Eteam 195 P4 162 E(Lebron-40/Lee-30/Ellis-36/SJax-37/LaMarcus-33/Billups-19)P4 Paul-39/Iggy-13/Wallace-24/Dirk-30/Lopez-17/Grffin-39)no more unbeten teams im the other final JRB 227 My Invaders 223 JRB(Duncan-37/Josh Smith-41/Melo-42/Kobe-37/Tyreke-47/David West-23)Invaders(Howard-51/P/Gasol-42/Granger-30/Nash-38/E.Gordon-33/Horford-29)
Partial scores- Nitecaps (154 + Westbrook) Swat (152 + Durant) Kontrol ? pending Thunder tomorrow Ticket 159...Ticket has already lost because even w/out OKC stats Kontrol is currently at 185.5 Ticket(Scola -30/KG-33/Joe John-20/Wade-44/D.Will-32/Bogut-DNP)Kontrol is in 3 way tie for the lead with E and P4 at 3-1
For the Swat-Nitecap game I've got the following Nitecaps-154 Swat-152 Swat(Rondo-28/Crawford-29/Love-33/Jefferson-32/Milsap-30/Durant-?)where's this 44 from?Nitecaps(K.Martin-28/Roy-32/Amare-29/Blatche-33/Rose-32/Westbrook-?)again where's this 44?are you counting Thursday?-they play tomorrow...I've got 32 for Rose??
Invaders have checked scores and Swat is incorrect on both first and second post..on first post you counted 44 each for Durant and Westbrook on Thursday which is 2nd game of Mon-Thurs. match period-there's no early call since Thunder play Celtics Sunday at 4pm our time..Rose count is wrong on second post as well as first-I checked Friday's Bulls Game -Rose had 18 pts/5 boards/and 9 dimes for a total of 32...not 40... so the score is 154-152 Nitecaps until the stats of Durant and Westbrook are counted...
I see Swat attended game in Arlington-wish I could've been there.Invaders remember that the stadium facade looks exactly like our ATT/Pac Bell park-same architects-I stayed at hotel directly across the street when I was there a Marriott I believe-visiting teams stayed there.There were fires in northern Mexico that memorial weekend around '98 or '99 and the sky was a charcoal gray-the soot/smoke mixed w/Texas 85% humidity amd 90+ degree heat made it tough to breath.I left my game in the 5th inning and gave away tickets the following day
Invaders declare JRB is high match point winner at 227-Swat/Nitecap total won't be in that range-
The final score is Swat 197 Nitecaps 190 both teams are now 1-3 Durant 45+152=197 for Swat Westbrook 36+154=190 for Nitecaps boxes for other players are on post at 12:13 am 11/7 on this page.Kontrol defeats Ticket 199-159 Kontrol(1194/6)Ticket box is on 12:06 am post 11/7 on this page..
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