Thursday, February 4, 2010

Match 30 Lineups

Thanks for the back up Tom, Try to get you some work in ticket slinging, instead you turn it into your crappy standup shtick. Like they say, "keep your freinds close and Tom closer." Just wanted to stick with the, if it aint broke, DONT TOUCH IT approach. So now that I have a chance to get into the "playoffs?" Time to come in and fuck it up.


Hoop Social said...

Plus Vier

Steph Curry


Hoop Social said...


For anyone concerned, DBS called me because someone in his strip joint wanted me to dump his Blazer tix, presumably to cover the cost of a feigned blowjob by one of the blonde vixens. Then that source sold'm. I told him Boozer's expectedback Sat. and gave Stacy the blog address, my e-mail address, and Eric and my phone numbers. He says he's sticking to his best plan he's yet to utilize, ie no plan to make a move. He also dropped $800 on fantasy football. Next year may be he could cover everyone's entry fee if he's got that kind of money to throw around. The girls have kept him juggling sauce bottles for more than 30 consecutive days. Somebody tell that to OBAMA and the his hapless "stimulators."

Hoop Social said...

Early calls west conference:

Thur. 2/18 LAKERS ...vs boston

Hoop Social said...


Aaron Brooks

A Miller

Hoop Social said...

Invaders hope DBS doesn't change lineup-I'll go w/Kaman/West/Granger/Ellis/Martin and Maggette

nitecaps said...

vs Ticket

R. Westbrook
B. Roy
J. Howard
C. Bosh
A. Bogut
Z. Randolph

Good luck Tom...I will roll the dice on Roy.

nitecaps said...

Note to C Team
JJ 45
V 36

I believe that makes it 8-4

nitecaps said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
E Team said...

E Team says:

Hey. Where's my post?! I'm the one who opened this thing.

I went LeBron, DLee, Rondo, SJax, LaMarcus and Tyreke.

Hoop Social said...

So much for Fuckin it up...
J. Smith-45
J. Johnson-25
D. Rose-27
K. Love-30

Hoop Social said...

Invaders will lose anyway but I'm not aware of change from Boozer to Love-I got single digits from Martin so I've got no hope tonight.Could be worse-if I was back in Virginia w/ex I'd be snowed in w/27" of snow.Baltimore and Philly have record snowfall.Hardly any snow in Manhattan though.

Hoop Social said...

Shit I did Fuck shit up! Men to change my lineup last min. Ended up DELETing Erics post. Eventhough I tried to be cool and time stamp my, literally, last minute sub. Then went to talk smack to Tom and DELETED that message! FUCK!!!

I'll Roll with the Booze snooze! Luckily I still got 3-40's like a Snoop Dog video! Sorry, about this all. It's been a while since I used this freakin site.

This is Shooter. Who else would be able to fuck so much shit up?

nitecaps said...

Who is responsible for waking up the shooter? DAMMIT TOM?

nitecaps said...

S@#$T! I got it backwards. Should have sat Roy and played Wallace.

E Team said...

E Team says:

Ah, just as I thought. And Stacy, how did you get that comment to show up on the outside of the post? What kind of weird, diseased presence have you brought us?

Hoop Social said...

Invaders thought that was E talking about schtick and keeping Tom closer...